Alright guys. Thanks to all of you who entered by liking my Facebook page last week. There were a lot of good, classic idols mentioned but the winner was James O who said,
Love the blog, man. My style idol is probably my best friend. Since high school he just has seemed to always ‘get it’ and I’ve found that I could look decent just by emulating him more often than not.
Lucky is the man who has people in his life he can look up to. So congrats James. Shoot me an email and I’ll get you hooked up with either a consultation or your evaluations.
Don’t worry if you didn’t win though. There are still three more weeks and three separate ways you can win either a Basic Consultation or five Style Evaluations for free.
This week we’re moving on to Twitter. You can follow @MasculineStyle to get updates on new posts, daily links to oldies but goodies from the blog, and random thoughts and musings. I’m much more active on Twitter than I am on Facebook so you’ll see a lot more from me and it’s easier to engage in conversation as well.
So, to enter this week you need to follow @MasculineStyle, include me in a tweet and then tell me what article of clothing you think is most important in a man’s style game using the hashtag #styleessentials. Just like last week, I’ll go through and choose one lucky winner.
If you don’t have a Twitter account, sign up or hang tight because there will be other options available in the upcoming weeks.
PS. Have you gotten your Style Evaluation? It’s a great way to know the strengths and weaknesses of your current wardrobe.