As I continue in my attempts to increase the reach of Masculine Style, I’m having fun experimenting with different mediums and methods. One thing a lot of my media friends have had success with is a vlog format on YouTube.
Some of these guys are dedicated enough that they do one multiple times a week or every day. After the work I put into making this video, I’m blown away by the dedication of the men who make these consistently.
So, if you want to see things like:
- Why I get my haircut the way I do
- What a typical Monday in my life looks like
- How my kids interact with each other
- My son’s budding violence
- Why I hate skinny jeans
- My wife’s current recommendation of winter drink
- How to get your kids to clean up their toys
Then check this out.
Let me know if you like these and want to see more. Like I said, they’re a ton of work, but I’m happy to do them if you enjoy them, and I know they’ll get easier as I do more.